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What Doctors Are Saying

"MRCGP Exam Prep is an excellent resource for those sitting the MRCGP exam. There is an extensive range and number of practice questions, including timed mock examinations and you can very helpfully track your revision progress. It is also great value for money! "
Dr Sara Al-Atassi, Salaried GP, Surrey
"MRCGP Exam Prep is a fantastic online resource which is closely aligned with the MRCGP exam. It is a reliable site to practice examination questions and a great way to prepare for the exam. It helped me spot the gaps in my revision and resulted in success on my first attempt at the MRCGP. "
Dr Jenny Hall, GP, London
"This is a comprehensive, one-stop platform for online MRCGP examination revision. There are a wide range of up-to-date, carefully written questions based on RCGP curriculum that are relevant to the MRCGP examination. It is great value for money and is definitely worth signing up for. "
Dr. Yiyang Ng, GP/Medical Educator, Greater London